Friday, November 27, 2020

8 Values

 The Eight Values of Free Expression are integral to the free speech in our country and what makes this country so great. The value of individual self-fulfillment, the idea in which free speech enables individuals to express themselves in whatever fashion they may want, is- to me- the upmost important of the values. There are few things in this world more freeing than thought. Allowing freedom of thought to be expressed, despite how controversial or how out of the box, it allows for freedom of speech to mean so much more than just saying whatever you want- it becomes an aspect of bodily, mental, and spiritual autonomy. Freedom of individualized expression is the creation of jazz, it is the choice to wear knee black knee high boots, winged eyeliner, and a band tee to a Connecticut country club, its standing up to your relatives whose religious beliefs disregard the essence of your identity. 

The concept of individual self-fulfillment is integral to the function of modern society- however two I find the most intriguing are through social media and the music industry. Social media- especially in content created by and targeted for generation Z- is anchored in individuality of the creator. The creator does something unique, whether its an individual like @bestdressed on Instagram whose content is reliant on her ability to shop secondhand and vintage and still create distinctive, while eccentric outfits (and to me rightfully earning her namesake) to a TikTok creator whose entire persona  (and I cannot make this up) is covering his head and chest with different condiments, such as Nutella and ketchup, and then acting as the Joker from the Batman universe. This is not a dichotomy, but the prolific reality of life on the internet. Individual self expression, especially in the way in which social media not only encourages but celebrates it, allows for individuals who before may have thought they were the only ones going through something or the only ones who like certain unconventional things to feel less alone. Not only does the freedom to express oneself create a happier populous, but it creates niche markets and communities across social medias around likeminded people. 

The music industry is another environment in which self actualization is integral to its function. The creation of music in and of itself is an incredibly personal experience, an expressive art form utilized to discuss facets of someones life they either need to let out or a message artists believe their fans need to hear. Everyone has felt the community of singing back lyrics sung by their favorite artists- thousands of strangers united in the pain or joy of one person, this community only found through the kindred connection formed by someone's art. People revere artists from The Beatles to Kanye West and everyone in between because of their ability to express themselves and create their own identity as an artist. This autonomy in style and voice is what makes music so easy to connect to, individuals having the opportunity to find parts of their own individuality through the voices of artists. If not for the concept of individual self-fulfillment, there would not be the diversity in style, craft, and art that there is today.

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