Thursday, October 8, 2020

Why War?

The anti-war sentiment seemingly is quite popular among voters- becoming a staple of the personal platforms of young and left leaning voters. Even the idea of being pro-war is assumed to be a conservative strongpoint, their ideology presumed to point towards the notion that war is a necessary circumstance, a way to prove America's strength and prove our power to anyone who is not a blatant, westernized ally- regardless of the inherent xenophobia it seems to both be fueled by and insights after the fact.

This why I find it so interesting that on the main lading page of articles in the American Conservative there is post after post, article after article detailing the troubles which come alongside going to war. I even spotted one from just two weeks ago which details what would seem to be a very liberal issue- "How Our Pointless Wars Made Life Hell for Religious Minorities." This article details the problems with the America First mantra which Trumpers yell from the rooftops, and taking a critical eye to their own party's idea of what is going on in a post-ISIS Palestine.  Detailing how US intervention causes a spike in religious persecution towards not just Christians, but Yazidis as well. It brings a really interesting thought, looking at these sentiments of American pull back and care for other human life being a middle ground- these ideas being chanted by mainstream liberals are said in whispers by conservatives alike. leans into that inclusivity, calling themselves a self-proclaimed hub for libertarians, pacifists, leftists, 'greens,' and independents alike, as well as many on the Right who agree with our opposition to imperialism." 

Then how have we reached a place in which war is considered a partisan thing? That the systemic murder and planned destruction of other countries in the guise of "help" has become a societal norm? Is it the financial benefits to war- so great that media imposes the rhetoric that its necessary? We may never have answers to these questions- but looking towards the answers are deeply necessary. 

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